Funding Opportunities
Submission Requirements:
Name of Region II School and Address
Adult Sponsor's Name and Contact Information
Student's Name and Contact Information
Project Title
Research Plan (docx or PDF only)
Materials List with Expenses
- The applicant must be a faculty member of a school in Region 2 throughout the science fair process.
- The teacher who applies for a grant should do so with the intent of having students enter into their local fair(s), ultimately aiming to be among the WRSEF cohort that moves onto the State Fair..
- Teachers are eligible to be awarded the grant once in a 3-year cycle.
- Agree to meet with a WRSEF mentor at least once per month (from September to May)
- Only one application per school is permitted.
- Any equipment purchased must not be available or be insufficient in quantity in the teacher’s school.
- This grant will not cover expenses related to travel, phone calls, or literature research.
- All materials - non-consumables, consumables, equipment, lab ware, and so forth will become the property of the sponsoring school science fair program.